Thom Taylor's Celebrity ComEdY Hypnosis Show
I am wonderful.
And because I am wonderful,
Wonderful things happen to me.
I am masterful.
And because I am masterful,
I have dominion over my mind, body and affairs.
I am intelligent.
And because I use intelligence,
Error and false beliefs are powerless in my life.
I am courageous,
And because I use courage,
Fear, doubt and trepidation are eliminated from my experience.
I am attractive, gifted and prosperous beyond any previously held false beliefs. And because I am attractive, gifted and prosperous beyond any previously held beliefs. I share my life, love and abundance with the universe and the universe sends it back shaken together, pressed down, heaping up and flowing over.
This is who and what I am all about and I make the world a better place by my presence (presents).